Two persons are not with me and they have derailed in as far as they insist on their state. The first is the one absorbed in God (Majdhub) and does not abide by Shariah and the second is the traveller of the mystical path (Salik) who does not absorbed in God. Whoever wants to associate with me should emulate my sublime pattern of conduct in all his ramifications i.e. by complying with Islamic Injunctions and eschewing illicit acts overtly and covertly. He should yearn and long to attain the pleasure of Allah and the apostles.
As for those who are attributing themselves to us and doing things that are absolutely contrary to shariah by heedlessly indulging in illicit acts and neglecting the obligatory duties, Allah is my witness and you all testify that I disavow these recalcitrant. O Allah! I declared myself free from what these people are doing. ‘’Let those who disobey His orders beware of some affliction befalling them or some woeful scourge be visited upon them’’ (Q24:63) ‘’Turn to Allah all of you, O believers!’’ (Q24:31). How excellent is the adherent who is filled up with the secret of these divine platforms. But where is a sincere protégé among you? It is very rare.
If the situation of nefarious act could remain as it was among the pseudo_sufi, i therefore declare the license of authority of any recalcitrant Muqadam null and void. Whoever adheres to us would forget worldly pleasures. There are some youths here who have shunned worldly pleasures; even there are some who does not have coitus except by the will (of the Sheikh). This is the state of mind of my disciples and the opposite are not. It is imperative to all protégés to return to God with repentance, obedience, ascetic and seeking for knowledge. Allah says to the prophet (S.A.W) ‘’say, Oh Lord, increase knowledge’’ (Q20:114). A protégé must not halt his mystical journey until he has me in personal encounter with me and if he found me incompetent, he should proceed further to a preceptor who is more exalted than me in sainthood. Moreover be aware, may Allah have mercy on you: Most of pretenders led some people astray from the path of Allah because of their nefarious acts. All the heterodox people who misled people from Allah should know that they are waging war against Allah. It is incumbent upon yo methods u (protégé) to adhere to us so that you will be acquitted with of mystical path and absorbing in God. Whoever does so indeed shall prosper. You should rise up to ameliorate the sufi critics among Muslim brethren, by hand or by tongue or by hearth a s it was reported in the Hadith. All the protégé should have this diatribe message at hand and reads it frequently. You should be steadfast in prayer, pay poor rate, fast Ramadan and perform Pilgrimage if you are capable. Moreover give out of your wealth to the needies in the course of Allah. Muslim reported that the prophet said ‘purification is half of the faith, the phrase, AhaduliLah fills the balance and the phrase, Subhaana Lah wal hamdulilah fills the space between the heaven and earth. Prayer is a light, patient is a light and Quran is a proof for you or against you. Allah said: ‘’Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good and (to ) others) and the giving to the kindred and He forbids indecency, evil and rebellion. (Q16:90 Woe and woe unto pseudosufis. Whoever get in touch with this vilification and consequently repent and enjoin good deeds, verily he shall prosper in this world and the hereafter. May Allah forgive on what has passed. I disavow from all recal citrant sufis and Allah, you are my witness on this. It is apt to say that they are out of Islamic fold. Oh Protégées! Let your Salatil Fatih be numerous and conceal mystical secrets verbally and pragmatically. Never you unveil gnosis, hold unto the right path and avoid temptations of Shaytan. Allah says: ‘Whoever disbelieve in Shaytan and believes in Allah, he has indeed hold on the firmest handle which shall never break and Allah is All Hearing, All knowing’. (Q:2:256)...
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