I have extracted this paragraph from the book of Jawahiru al Ma'ani where Seidna Ali Harazim mentions a great adab [etiquette] of Mawlana al Shaykh Ahmed al Tijani that is well worth knowing and practising, Sidi Ali Harazim says:
it was amongst our sheikh's etiquettes as demonstrated by his words and actions to abandon his will and leaves it to Allah almighty's will and arrangements to the extent where if he was to ask somehting of Allah almighty for him self or another person he would do it asking guidence and advice about that matter, he would tell us time and time again 'I never make dua except with my tounge while my heart is com pletely surrendered to Allah almighty's will' and he would say 'I do not want anything I do not ask anything, you do what you desire and decree what you want' and he would also say 'It is only that I do it with my tounge in order not to break people's hearts' and on occastions when asked by someone to make dua for him he would say 'I do not make dua out of adab [etiquette] with Allah almighty' he would say that because of his awarness and knowladge that what Allah almighty chooses for his servant is better than what one may chose/ask for. As for making the prophetic dua's reported from the prophet peace and blessings upon him such as dua's when desiring somehting, fearing something, desiring nearness to Allah almighty or dua's by which one d eclares his servanthood and needyness and offer supplicattion humbly with total submisiveness to Allah almighty also dua's by which one declares repentance and asks for forgivness and mercy and acceptance then our master always kept his tounge and heart s busy with those and he would say 'there isn't the element of associating one's desire, will or choise with that of Allah's when making these types of dua's because we are ordered to do them by shari'ia. The sheikh is refering to making dua f or people who may have asked him to do so for them. Reason being that these dua's where done by the prophet him self peace and blessings upon him and in us doing them we would be following the prophet as ordered by shari'ia ((O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger)) , ((Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful)) Jawahiru al Ma'ani part 1, page 74
Giwa Ibrahim baye
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