Tuesday, 19 May 2015


In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our master Muhammad, and also upon his family and companions. All thanks and praise belongs to Allah--The One (Al-Wahid)--Who neither begets nor was He begotten, and there is nothing like unto Him. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Opener & the Seal (Al-Fatihi Al-Khatimi), our master Muhammad (SAWS), and may Allah be pleased with the (hidden) support of all of the worlds--seen and unseen (Madad al-Ka‟inat alAwalim al-„Ainiyya wa„l Ghaibiyya), our master Ahmad al-Tijani(RA).

   After this: I am sending my greeting of perfect peace--which contains no vanity or sin--to our beloved brother, the Mufassir. May Allah guide us and him to that which He loves and is pleased with! May He heal our hearts of its ailments and diseases, and grant us safety and felicity in both this life and the Hereafter. Your noble letter has reached me and I am very happy to receive its contents, we have therefore turned our spiritual energy (Himma) towards you! I am renewing your (affiliation with the Tariqa), the Wird al-Lazim, the well-known Wazifa, Dhikr al-Jumua‟a of Friday--all with the special permission (Idhn alKhass) from Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (directly)!

  Congratulations to you for that!  Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA) said, “Whosoever is stamped with our seal is due congratulations.” What he meant by that statement is, “Whosoever takes our Wird will achieve the felicity of this life and the next.” I am therefore advising myself and you to have conscious awareness of Allah (Taqwa)--in both public and private--and to occupy yourself with Allah to the exclusion of everything other than Him. You must know that everything other than Him is likened unto a mirage which appears to a thirsty person, who thinks it to be water until he comes up to it and he finds nothing!

You must take the Messenger of Allah(SAWS) as your greatest “means of approach” (Wasilat al-„Uzma) by sending many Salat upon him, as this is the path to travel for all of those who desire to arrive at the Gnosis of Allah (Ma‟rifa). I am especially advising you to offer plenty “Salat al-Fatihi lima Ughliq” (The Prayer of the Opener)--for it is the Greatest Treasure, Mysterious Secret, and Source of Divine Gnosis (Kanz al-A‟zam wa Sirr al-Mutalsam wa „Ain al-Ma„arif al-Aqwam).

 It has three (3) degrees to its recitation:
1.) Zahir
2.) Batin
3.) Batin al-Batin

  As for the outer degree (Zahir), it consists of the reward of the good deeds of everything in the universe--from its beginning to its end. As for the inner degree (Batin), it consists of the reward of the hidden mysteries of the universe, from its beginning to its end. As for the most inner degree (Batin al-Batin), it consists of the greatest mysteries and secrets and it is the goal of goals. I therefore advise you to offer plenty Salat al-Fatihi in all of your spare time, day & night. I have thus advised you for the sake of Allah! You must also persist in offering five hundred (500) Salat al-Fatihi after Salat al-Isha‟ before you go to sleep, and also repeat this amount in the late night (time of Tahajjud) and also again after performing your morning Wird al-Lazim (for a total of 1500). You will do this all with the intention to offer Salat upon the Prophet in obedience to the command of your Lord--all out of love, glorification, and esteem for him and no other objective!

If you diligently persist in this, after receiving the special permission (Idhn al-Khass) from its people, you will certainly experience the Spiritual Opening (Fath) by the Might and Power of Allah!  What I have written in this letter is all that I possess from the „Secrets‟ (Al-Asrar) and it is sufficient for me and for you! Asalam alaykum warahamatulah..

Giwa Ibrahim Baye

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