Shaykh Hassan introduced this address by
reminding the reader that the Tariqa Tijaniyya
is based on the Qur’an and the Hadith, or
narrations of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
The Shaykh then sited the famous hadith of
three stations of religion: Islam (submission),
Iman (faith) and Ihsan (spiritual excellence) as
justification for the “intent, substance and
development of the Tariqa Tijaniyya.” Since
Islam, as a religion suited for the lofty spiritual
aspirations of the human soul, contains within
it Ihsan, the religion also includes the Sufi
tariqa, or the path of self-purification: the path
of contemplating God, “until you worship Him
as if you see Him; and if you do not see Him,
know that He is seeing you” (the Prophet’s
description of Ihsan from the aforementioned
hadith). Shaykh Hassan continued:
It should be obvious from this Hadith that a
human being has greater needs than an animal.
In the same way he needs food for his body, he
also needs food for his spirit; and the best food
for the spirit is the remembrance of Allah
(dhikr). Dhikr provides the direct link between
the servant and Allah. Surely there is wise
counsel in the saying, “The remembrance of
Allah is the means to acquire sainthood, to be
one of the awliya‘ (saints or friends of God).”
The Tariqa Tijaniyya is based on three
1. Asking Allah for forgiveness
(astaghfirullah). It is forbidden for a
Muslim to stop his brother in Islam from
saying astaghfirullah. None of us are
infallible. The same way we do something
right today, we may do it wrong tomorrow.
Consequently, the Prophet has directed us
by saying, “Your sickness is the sins and the
remedy of your sickness is to say
astaghfirullah.” In addition, there are many
verses in the Qur’an advising us to say
astaghfirullah. For example, in Sura Hadid
(57:21), we are told, “Be foremost (in
seeking) forgiveness from your Lord…”
And then there is the example of our most
excellent guide, the Prophet, peace be upon
him. In spite of the infallibility of his
station, and what Allah has stated clearly in
Sura Fath (48:2), that He has forgiven all his
sins – the first and the last – the Prophet
asked Allah’s forgiveness more than one
hundred times every day. If that is the case
with him, what about those of us who live
in this corrupt time of disbelief and sin?
2. The second principle is to say la ilaha
illallah, “There is nothing worthy of
worship but God.” In a Hadith, the Prophet
said, “The best words I have ever said
together with the previous Prophets are
the words la ilaha illallah.” And, again, in
Sura Baqara (2:152): “Then if you
remember Me; I will remember you.” And
in Surah Imran (3:191): “Men who
celebrate the praises of Allah, standing,
sitting, and lying down on their sides…”
And, again, in Sura Jumu’a (62:10), “and
celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and
without stint): that ye may prosper.”
Surely, when Allah, who has no limit, says
to remember Him “often”, it is not to be
taken lightly.
3. And the third principle is Salat ‘ala Nabi,
the offering of prayers upon the Prophet.
Allah has ordered the community of the
believers to offer prayers upon the Prophet
just as He has himself done together with
His angels, (Qur’an, 33:56). Moreover, the
Prophet said in another Hadith, “Whoever
offers one prayer upon me, Allah will offer
ten upon him.” In another report, the
Prophet said, “Whoever offers one prayer
on me, Allah will offer ten on him; if he
makes it ten, Allah will make it one hun
dred for him; if he makes it one hundred,
Allah will make it one thousand for him; if
he makes it a thousand, he will enter
Paradise shoulder-to-shoulder together
with me.”
Support for the dhikr of the Tariqa Tijaniyya
thus is solely derived from Qur’an and Hadith.
We are Muslims looking for the Truth, and
wherever we see the Truth, we shall follow. pilars.htm spiritgm-3b.html
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