Saturday, 13 June 2015

PATIENCE (SABR) ; AN EXEMPLARY BEAUTY by Aliyu Harleemart Abeeda Oyiza

Wassalatu Wassalam ala ashrafil anbiyai wal'mursalin sayidina wa habibaana wa sshafi'ina wa moulana Muhammad Mustopha wa'ala alihi wa'ashabihi wassalam tasliman kasiran daiman sarmadan abada... Ama'abad  Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah wabarakatuh my beloved brethren


  Patience by definition means enduring, bearing and resisting pain; suffering and difficulty and dealing calmly with problems. In more general terms, it means patience which is one the most important actions of the heart mentioned in the Qur'an. Because of its importance, patience is regarded as half of one's religious life (the other half is thankfulnes). The Qur'an orders patience in many verses such as: seek help in patience and prayer (2:45) and endure, vie wit each other in endurance (3:199). In many Qur'anic verses, God praise the patient, declares that He loves them, mentions the ranks He has bestowed on them. The patient and steadfast, and the truthful and loyal (3:16); God loves the patient (2:153). These are the qualities of our noble prophet (S.A.W), our master Abal Abass (Kuntiyatu Rosulullah R.T.A) and the Gousu of our time Moulana Sheikh Ibrahim Inyass (R.T.A). May Allah in His infinite mercy bless us with patient, that which is an essential and most important dimension of servanthood to God, and is crowned with resignation, the highest spiritual rank in the sight of Allah, to whatever Allah has destined. Jazakumullahu Khairan. Wassalamu alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh


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