Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Bismillahi r Rahmani r Rahimi Lhamdulillahi Rabil Aalamin.. Allahuma sali alaa seyyidina Muhammad wa alaa Aalihi wa ashabihi wasalim..

All praise and adoration is due Allah.We seek unquantifiable blessings upon the noble prophet & only servant of Allah,  Muhammad (S.A.W), his house holds,companions and those that thread on his path till the day of time. Amin.

This is ur humble brother, servant of the servant of the servant of Allah, Muhammad Musiliudeen Bn Sanusi.

The topic of my presentation is: Who is Sheikh Seyyid Aliyu Cisse {Babul Adara}

An accomplished khadim kabir, scholar, known for his erudition and the simplicity of his lifestyle, his patience & compassion.

Sayyid AliCisse (d.1981), was the friend and spiritual successor (khalifa) of Shaykh Ibrahim, and was married to Fatima Zahra Niasse, the eldest daughter of Shaykh Ibrahim. The Cisse lineage is thought to be one of the oldest Muslim scholarly families in West Africa,tracing their
descent from the first converts to Islam in the ancient kingdom of Ghana in the eleventh century.
The eldest daughter of Shaykh Al-Islam Ibrahim (Baye) Niass. Fatimah Zara, a hafiza Al-Quran was married to his top student and successor Shaykh Sayid Ali Cisse until his death in the late 80's.
Together they are the parents of Shaykh Hassan Cisse, Shaykh Tijani Cisse and Shaykh Muhamadou Mahy Cisse. Known to the mureeds of Medina Baye as Ya Fatou (Mother Fatou) until this day she is well kept and visited frequently by her sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Sheikh Aliyu Cisse {Babul Hadrah} biography is liking to Ali ibn AbuTalib (Door of the city of knowledge). The first male believer in islam, the prophet's standard-bearer in the battle, the most judicious of the companions & the "possessor of a wise heart & enquiring tongue".

Sheikh Aliyu cisse is khadim kabir of Maolana sheikh Baye Nyass RTA. He had been serving his Master {Baye Nyass RTA} through his father sheikh Abdullah Nyass,
I got know that the history, books, recitation, letter of sheikh Aliyu Cisse (rta) seems to be rare & scares all in the name of khidima {selfless service to Baye Nyass} for his Master.

The best way describe who sheikh Aliyyu Cisse is, the chief servant of Baye Nyass.
He served Baye Nyass (RTA) with the best qualities, character & exemplary conduct.
His servant leader can be traced to Anas Bn Malik RTA. This great khadim of Baye Nyass RTA was made the chief Imam of mosque of Baye in Medinatu kaolaq.

Out of his servant leadership role & qualities upon the death of Sheikh Ibrahim Nyass RTA, Seyyid Aliyu was made to oversee the family of his master. The love of Baye Nyass rta to & from seyyid Aliyyu can not be examined even with microscope lens. The khidima of Seyyid Ali Cisse can be summary thus:

- Servant to the core in the love of Baye for Allah & Seyyid hujudi alone.
- His humility at the top of hierarchy in fold of Tijjaniyyah.
  Seyyid Ali Cisse can best be explain in the life of Imam Hassan & his siblings. May Allah bless them all and give Imam Cheikh Tidiane Cisse and his beloved brother, Cheikh Muhd Mahy Cisse a long life. Ameen.
Wasalam alaykum warahamatulah wabarakatuhu my beloved brethren.

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