Wednesday, 7 June 2017


نصيحة الشيخ للشباب حول أهمية تحصيل العلم العلماني

قال صاحب الفيضة رضى الله عنه
فإن مستقبل كل وطن انما يتوقف على شبابه،لكن لا على كل الشباب بل على الشباب المثقفين ذوى الأخلاق الحميدة،والهمم العالية،فأما شباب بلا ثقافة فغرس بلا ثمر،فجدوا واجتهدوا فى تحصيل العلم،ليس علم الفرائض والنوافل فحسب،وليس علم الحساب فحسب،وليس علم اللغة والنحو والصرف والبلاغة بفروعها فحسب،ولكن شاركوا من ترقت هممهم الى علم اسرار الكون
قال الله تعالى
قل انظروا ماذا فى السموات والأرض"
أو لم ينظروا فى ملكوت السموات والارض وما خلق الله من شئ".

الحمدلله والعبدلله


The Custodian of[Faydah] the Flood may Allah be pleased with him said:
The future of every country depends on the youth. But not on every youth. But the intellectuals among the youth, who possess commending morals and high enthusiasm.

However, the youth that have no [modern] education are like plant without seed. So strive and struggle in the quest to seek knowledge not only the knowledge of the obligatory acts of worship[fiqh],  and not only essential ones. Not only the knowledge of mathematics, not only the knowledge of Nahu, Saraf and Balagah with its branches, but you should participate towards promoting the knowledge of the secrets and mysteries of the universe(secular knowledge).
Allah says: “Say[O Muhammad to them] look at what is in the even and earth.”
He also said: “Don’t they look in the kingdom of the heavens and earth and of what Allah created?”

Praise be to Allah and servant belongs to Allah.


Folks, you all observe in this short advice that, Baye was encouraging us to seek secular education to enable us unlock the hidden secrets that Allah has destined for mankind to see through seeking modern knowledge, because he knows that obviously our own Islamic education is non negotiable and it is considered a basic necessity of life that helps us basically on our deen-oriented activities.

And by virtue of usual reading and reviewing of many of his books as i translate them, i come across many instances where our Sheikh, as a galaxy of intellectual even in modern sense, would talk about contemporary discourse in the areas of science; biology, chemistry, physics, as well as anthropology, geology, agricultural, political science, political economy, international affairs etc.

However, it is sad to see many of today's youth especially, in our Tariqah neglecting to learn basic islamic knowledge and even the fiqh of Tariqah. Last year, i was shocked to be inboxed by one of my readers from Ghana with a shocking question that says, "....please what is the meaning of Sheikh..." u imagine???

Can you imagine, the Saudi/Wahabi scholars consulting Sheikh to give his opinion in regards to moving "Maqamu Ibrahim" from its original location? This was in 1964 when he happened to be the vice-president of the World Muslim League. And in his answer to them, he wrote a whole book within few days entitled:

"سبيل السلام في إبقاء المقام",

"Way to Peace is by Leaving the Standing Spot of Ibrahim" (where Prophet Ibrahim used to stand and rest when he was renovating Kabah with his son Ismael). So when Sheikh completed this book and sent to them, they were so fascinated and published and distributed it worldwide. And the intellectual discourse he had in the book convinced them to change their minds about moving it.

The point is that if Sheikh was not deeply rooted in Islamic knowledge by virtue of his learning under the tutoring and tutelage of his own father, how could he had answered them? how could he had written 75 books? how could he had embarked upon a global dawah trip where he had converted thousands into the deen???....I hope this will serve as a lesson to all of us.

Translated & Analyzed  By:
Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.

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