Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Sayyidina Ahmad Tijani's letter to his followers (RTA)

Sayyidina Ahmad Tijani's letter to his followers

« After praising ALLAH, may His Name  be glorified and exalted, His Greatness is Immense, His Power is elevated,  His Majesty  Sanctified.  This letter is  meant for all the followers living in Fes and in the Maghreb, may peace of ALLAH be on you, as His Mercy and Blessing, may all this be granted to you as long as ALLAH’s Kingdom lasts.

 From ALLAH’s poor servant, Ahmad ibn Muhammad Tijani:

 We ask ALLAH, may His Power be  glorified and His Immensity  elevated, that He looks at you through  eye of love,  satisfaction,  attention  and flood of grace, through  eye of election and choice. May He give you all the good things one can get from  religion, here and in the Hereafter as much as possible and may He spare you all the evil of religion here and in the Hereafter; may He protect you against any kind of evil till all your  sins disappear, small or big without submerging it in the ocean  of His forgiveness and generosity; may He  meet quickly all your demands and needs which are not in  the disobedience; may He help highly you in what is predestined to you, if  it is not in compliance with your  predestination, may He replace all your demands for what is better and loftier. May He leave you no evil of  the evils caused by creatures without having between you and those a soldier belonging to His Power and His Sovereignty,  if  it is not against His predestination, if  it goes against it, then with those, I ask ALLAH to grant you His whole Gentleness, His Help, and facilitate things  for you until these evils are eradicated and so leave you safely.

 I recommend you and myself to fear ALLAH and  beware that He does not surprise you while committing sins because, for each sin, the servant  will have  two misfortunes that he  will not be able to avoid ; one misfortune in this world and another in the Hereafter. Misfortune will happen doubtlessly in the Hereafter unless it is  replaced by ALLAH’s Forgiveness, exalted be His Name.

 As for the misfortune in this world,  it will surely happen  for any person committing a sin unless he rejects this misfortune by giving alms to a poor or through what he spends for family relationships or by paying back someone’s  debts or cancelling a debt which was due to him,  if  not, the misfortune will happen to him.  So beware and beware of  disobeying ALLAH. In case of disobedience and the servant is not secure from  sin, one must hasten to repent and return to ALLAH, because if it is not done quickly, one must  know that the servant is losing his esteem  near The Truth. In such a situation  he lays himself open to ALLAH’s anger, unless he feels deep down in his very  heart that, because of this  sin, he does need ALLAH and because of that, he is  broken hearted, he is aware of his fall in  the different steps of his  nafs (ego) without someone needs to blame him, so in this case the servant is on the right way.

 Beware! Concerning the sins, one must find refuge in ALLAH from feeling secure from ALLAH’s scheme  and so from  His blame. Surely, he who remains in this state for a long time, it is a  sign that he  is going  to die as  a disbeliever and  may ALLAH protect us  against such a thing.

  Know that everything you hear about the particularities of this Wird is true and will certainly happen. Therefore beware of neglecting it, even if it is  once in a lifetime,  and the condition of the Wird is to preserve the prayers (Salat) in  congregation and to respect the  Shariah (Islami Law).

  Be aware again of feeling safe from ALLAH’s ruse while  committing  sins because  it is the cause of perdition, don’t break your relationships with  all the creatures and above all between you and the brothers (in Islam,  In Tariqa) and visit you for ALLAH’s sake, create relationships for ALLAH’s sake, give food for  ALLAH’s sake as much  as it is possible for you to do without any difficulty or discomfort.

You must keep on obeying ALLAH during trials and misfortunes. This world is the abode of trials  and misfortunes  which are like  the waves of the sea and ALLAH  has sent  Adam’s son on earth only to make him  confront with its temptations and its trials. Thus there is no hope for Adam’s  son to escape from  that, as long as  he is living in this  world, so one must be patient in all circumstances as much as possible according to his capacities.

When a trial or a misfortune falls upon you,  solace yourself reminding that this world has been created and built but for that reason and that human beings have been sent down in this world only for this matter and that everybody is running on the same  lane. One has to know that he is like each of them and will be questioned.

 Know that in our time, nobody can escape from sins because they fall on  people like a heavy rain, so multiply what enables to atone them  like  Salat Fatihi, for no sin  can escape it, may it be isolated or grouped, like also  Salat Tasbih and this evocation one must repeat three times everyday: « O my Lord ! Your absolution is  bigger than my sins and I have more hope on Your Mercy than on my  deeds » 

One has to repeat also, in the mornings and in the evenings:

*There is no god but ALLAH and ALLAH is The Greatest  
*There is no god but ALLAH, Alone  
*There is no god but ALLAH, He has no partner  
*There is no god but ALLAH, to Him belong the Sovereignty and the Praise. 
*There is no god but ALLAH and there is no power or strength except  with ALLAH the Most High, the Immense 

There is also Hisbu Sayfi for he who can read  it everyday, without ever neglecting it, and other formulas of this kind. 

Take into account this  good piece of news: anyone  who dies with our love  will be resuscitated with the salvation  people, whatever  his situation  may be and this as far  as he does not believe himself to be sheltered from  ALLAH’s ruse. It is the same  for  those who take our Wird, they will rise from  the dead among the people of salvation and will enter Paradise  without being judged and without any chastisement and it will be the same  for their parents, wives and children, on condition that they  believe in our garantees, don’t renounce our love and do not think that they are sheltered from ALLAH’s ruse as mentioned previously.

 Thus, they will be the Prophet’s neighbours (peace and blessings be upon him)  in  the high degrees of « Illiyne » Paradise and will be safe from their death to their entrance in Paradise. And may ALLAH’s Peace and Mercy be on you as His Blessing »

 Text translated from Jawahirul Maani..

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