Sunday, 17 June 2018

ABARQUN BADAA { Translation and Transliteration }

هذه القصيدة استملت على أوصاف الرسول صل الله عليه و سلم

"This poem comprehensively gives the attributes and qualities of the Prophet"

أبرق بدى نحو المرابع يلمــــــــع ** فهبني امرءاً إذ يلمع البرق يدمــــــعُ
222. Abarqun badaa nahwa l maraabi‘i yalma‘u ** Fahabni-mra-an idh yalma‘u l barqu yadma‘u
222. O you brilliant light of streaking lightning shinning forth from the direction of the Maraabi‘ [1]. Consider me as one whose tears flow whenever the lightning sparks.

لمحت بوهن ويك هِجت صبابــــة ** ورقراقَ دمعٍ ساعة الحيِّ تهجـــــــعُ
223. Lamahta biwahnin wayka hijta sobaabatan ** Wa raqraaqa dam-‘in saa'ata l hayyi tahja‘u
223. You shined dimly, agitating my passionate desire and causing me to cry profusely while the neighbourhood is fast asleep.

تذكّر أيّام الصِّبا وهي قد مضتْ ** ولم يبق إلا لوعةٌ وتوجُّــــــــــــــــــــعُ
224. Tudhakkiru ayyaamas-sibaa wah-ya qad madot ** Wa lam yabqa illaa law‘atun wa tawajju‘u
224. You reminded (me) of childhood memories which have faded, leaving nothing but burning desire and throbbing pain.

سقى الله أرضاً بالمدينة إنَّهــــــا ** مـــــحطُّ رحالٍ فيه خرْقِيَ يُرْقَــــــــــعُ
225. Saqaa-llahu ar'don bil madeenati innahaa ** Mahattu rihaalin feehi kharqiya yurqa‘u
225. May Allah irrigate the land of Madeenah, verily, it is the terminus of (spiritual) travellers. It is where my brokenness was mended.

ديار حبيب الله وهو أمينُـــــــــــهُ ** ديارٌ بها تُلْفى المرافقُ أجمــــــــــــــع
226. Diyaaru habeebi-llahi wah-wa ameenuhu ** Diyaarun bihaa tulfaa l maraafiqu ajma‘u
226. The abode of the beloved of Allah who is the trustworthy one, an abode wherein all benefits are acquired.

ديار لمن هام الفؤاد بحبّـــــــــــه ** وتذكاره للقلبِ مرعىً ومرْتـــــــــــــعُ
227. Diyaarun li-man haama l fu’aadu bi-hubihi ** Wa tadh’kaaruhu lil-qalbi mar‘an wa marta‘u
227.  The abode of whom my heart is passionately in love with and whose commemoration is a pasturage and comfort for the heart.

ديار لأعلى الخلق خُلْقاً وخِلْقــــةً ** ديار لمن في الخلق يعطِى ويمنـــعُ
228. Diyaarun li-a‘la l khalqi khulqan wa khilqatan ** Diyaarun liman fi l khalqi yu‘utee wa yamna‘u
228. The abode of the most exalted (of all) creation, in innate character and outward disposition. The abode of the one who grants the creations and denies (at will).

وأكرمهِم نفساً وصِهراً ونِسْبــــةً ** وعِلْماً وآداباً وأتْقى وأخْشَـــــــــــــعُ
229. Wa akramihim nafsan wa sihran wa nisbatan ** Wa ‘ilman wa aadaban wa atqaa wa akh-sha‘u
229.  The noblest of them (all) in spirit, as an in-law, in ancestry, knowledge, manners, piety and obedience.

فقد كان خير الخلق فخماً مفخّماً ** وذو هيبةٍ والمشْيُ فيهِ تقلُّـــــــــــــعُ
230. Faqad kaana khayru l khalqi fakhman mufakh-khaman ** Wa dhu haybatin wa l mashyu feehi taqallu‘u
230. Indeed, the best of creation is a person of sublimity and magnificence. He is a person of awe[2] and when he walks, he advances outwards elegantly[3].

وأزْهرُ لونٍ أدعجُ العين تــزدري ** بعين مَهىً عند الخميلةِ ترْتـــــــــــعُ
231. Wa az-haru lawnin ad-‘aju l ‘ayni tazdaree ** Bi-‘ayni mahaa ‘inda l khamiilati tar-ta‘u
231. He has a fair-skin complexion[4]. His large eyes with jet-black pupils belittles the beauty of the eyes of the antelope that grazes in the woodland.

وأنجلُ عينٍ أهْدبُ الشَّفْرِ واســعٌ ** جبينُ رسول الله والخَلْقُ أوســــــعُ
232. Wa anjalu ‘aynin ahdabu sh-shafri waasi‘un ** Jabeenu rasuuli-llahi wa l khulqu aw-sa‘u
232. He has bold eyeballs and long eyelashes. The messenger of Allah has a broad brow and yet his character is more profound.

أزجُّ وأقنى وجه طه مـــــــــــدوّرٌ ** ولِحْيتهُ كثاً وصدرٌ موسَّـــــــــــــــعُ
233. Azajju wa aqnaa waj-hu Ta-ha mudawwarun ** Wa lihyatuhu kath-than wa sodrun muwassa‘u
233. His eyebrows are full[5], his nose is protracted and slender[6]. Ta-ha’s face is slightly oval [7] his beard is thick[8] and (his) chest is broad.

ومنكِبهُ أَعْظِمْ به وعِظامــــــــــهُ ** ضِخامٌ وربعُ القد طه المرفَّــــــــــعُ
234. Wa mankibuhu a‘zim bihi wa ‘izaamuhu ** Dikhaamun warab-‘u l qaddi Ta-ha l muraffa‘u
234. What a magnificent shoulder he has and strong bones. The exalted Ta-ha is of moderate height[9].

كذا عضُدٌ عبْلٌ وعبْلٌ ذِراعُـــــــهُ ** مُرحَّبُ راحاتٍ والانوار تلمــــــــــعُ
235. Kadhaa ‘adudun ‘ablun wa ‘ablun dhiraa‘uhu ** Murahhabu raahatin wa l anwaaru talma‘u
235. Thus, his arms were large and strong. He has wide palms and (his) light beams.

وسائِلُ أَطْرافٍ وغيرُ مشـــــــذّبٍ ** عظيمُ كرادِيسٍ من الخلْقِ أرْفـــــعُ
236. Wa saa’ilu atraafin wa ghayru mushadh-dhabin ** Azeemu karaadeesin mina l khalqi arfa‘u
236. His fingers are long and not pruned (or short). He has great joints, and is excellently moulded among all creation.

وأشنبُ ثغْرٍ إن تبسّمَ ينجَلــــــــي ** كحَبِّ غمامٍ أو لكالبرقِ يلمـــــــــعُ
237. Wa ashnabu thaghrin in-tabassama yanjalee ** Ka habbi gamaamin aw la ka l barqi yalma‘u
237. His teeth are very white. They glitter whenever he smiles, just like hailstones or like flashes of lightening.

وهامتهُ عُظمى لِشعرٍ ترجُّــــــــلٌ ** وخافض طرفٍ ساكتٌ فهو يخشـــعُ
238. Wa haamatuhu uzmaa li-sha‘rin tarajjulun ** Wa khaafidu tar'fin saakitun fah-wa yakh-sha‘u
238. He had a big head (not tiny) and his hair was wavy[10]. He lowers his gaze and is mostly silent in devotion (to God).

وأحزانهُ موصولةٌ بتفكُّـــــــــــــرٍ ** وإن قال قال الفصْلَ والحقَّ يرْجِــــعُ
239. Wa ah-zaanuhu mawsuulatun bi tafakkurin ** Wa in qaala qaala l fasla wal haqqa yar-ji‘u
239.  His sobriety is for contemplation (of God) and whenever he speaks, he speaks in an unambiguous, convincing and satisfactory manner. He reiterates the truth.

وينظر لحْظاً وهو للأرضِ غالبـا ** يسوقُ صِحاباً والملائكُ تتبـــــــــــعُ
240. Wa yanzuru lahzan wah-wa lil-ardi ghaaliban ** yasuuqu sihaaban wa l malaa’iku tatba‘u
240. He looks by casting a glance, but in most cases, towards the ground (lowering his gaze). He leads the companions and angels follow behind.

و جيد رسول الله يشبه دمية ** إذا فرق الأسعار يبدو و يلمـــــــــــــــــــع
241. Wa jeedu rasuuli-llahi yushbihu dumyatan ** Idhaa farraqa l ash‘aara yabduu wa yalma‘u
241. The neck of the Apostle of Allah was unparalleled in beauty whenever he parted his hairs, it shines and beams.

وكاللؤلؤِ المكنون والمسكِ عَرْقُهُ ** فمثْل رسولِ الله لم يحظَ مَجمَــــــــــعُ
242. Wa kal-lu’-lu’i l maknuuni wal miski ‘arquhu ** Fa-mithla rasuuli-llahi lam yahza majma‘u
242. He resembles well-guarded pearls and his sweat smells musk. The like of the messenger of Allah, no place or person has ever hosted.

وأحلم خلق الله أعدل خلقه ** من الناس أسخى بل من الناس أشجــــــــــع
243. Wa ahlamu khalqi-llahi a‘dalu khalqihi ** Mina n-naasi askhaa bal mina n-naasi ashja‘u
243. He is the most forbearing of all men, the fairest among the creation, the most generous and the bravest of all.

ويخدُمُ للأهلين يخصِفُ نعلـــــــــهُ ** ويقطع لحماً وهو للثّوب يرقَــــــــعُ
244. Wa yakhdumu li l ahleena yakhsifu na‘lahu ** Wa yaqta‘u lahman wah-wa li'th-thawbi yarqa‘u
244. He was always at the service of his household, repaired his own shoes. He helped to butcher the meat and mended his clothes.

أشدُّ حياءً وهو يأتي لمن دعــــــا ** ويغضب للمولى إلى الحقّ يرجــــــعُ
245. Ashaddu hayaa-an wah-wa ya'tee liman da-‘aa ** Wa yaghdobu lil-mawlaa ilaa-l haqqi yarji‘u
245. He is highly bashful (much more than a maiden), nevertheless he did honour invitations. His anger is for Allah and he returns to Allah in all affairs.

ولم يتورّع عن حلالٍ ولو حــــــلاَ ** ولم تُلفهِ في غالب الوقت يشْبـــــــعُ
246. Wa lam yatawarra‘ ‘an halaalin wa law halaa ** Wa lam tulfihi fee ghaalibi l waqti yashba‘u

246. He is modest in seeking from lawful things even when they are alluring. You never find him most times eating to his fill.

ويركب أحيانا جوادا ومـــــــــــرَّةً ** حماراً وحيناً راجلاً يتقلَّـــــــــــــــعُ
247. Wa yarkabu ah-yaanan jawaadan wa marratan ** Himaaran wa heenan raajilan yataqalla‘u
247. At times, he rode on a steed and sometimes on a donkey. In some cases, he trekked[11].

كذلك في الملبوس والطِّيبُ فائحٌ ** يجالسُ أقواماً والأصواتُ ترفـــــــــعُ
248. Kadhaalika fil malbuusi wat-teebu faahihun ** Yujaalisu aqwaaman wa l aswaatu turfa‘u
248. He is moderate (and humble) in his dressing and he always applies scent (perfume). He sits amidst people while their voices are raised loudly.

ويمزحُ أحياناً يولِّفُ مــــــــــــرَةً ** وما هاب مُلكاً قطُّ فالشّانُ أرفــــــــعُ
249. Wa yamzahu ahyaanan yu-allifu marratan ** Wa maa haaba mulkan qattu fash-sha'nu arfa‘u
249. At times he joked with good sense of humour and forged relationship (with people). He never stood for once, in awe of any tyrant. His affair[12] is indeed greater.

وما حقّرَ المسكينَ يدعو جميعَهم ** وبالله مولى الخلقِ ذا الخلْقَ يجمـــــعُ
250. Wa maa haqqara l miskeena yad-‘uu jemee‘a-hum ** Wa billahi mawla l khalqi dha l khalqi yaj'ma‘u
250. He never looked down upon the indigent, he associated with them. By Allah, The Lord of creation, all creation was assembled (under his banner).

وأكرمه المولى أجلّ كرامــــــــةٍ ** وخصّصه من للخلائقِ ينفــــــــــــعُ
251.  Wa akramahu l mawlaa ajalla karaamatin ** Wa khassasahu man li l khalaa’iqi yanfa‘u
251. (Allah) The Absolute Master dignified and earmarked him as a sole benefactor for creation.

عليه صلاة الله ما ذرّ شــــــارِقٌ ** وغنّتْ حماماتٌ على الغُصْنِ تسْجَــعُ
252. Alayhi salaatul-laahi maa dharra shaariqun ** Wa gannat hamaamaatun ala l ghusni tasja‘u
252. May blessing and peace of Allah be upon him whenever the sun shines and whenever pigeons chant and coo on tree branches.

وما رُدَّ ضيمُ الدَّهْرِ عن ساحة الذي ** يزخرف أمداحاً ويشدو ويسجــــعُ
253.  Wa maa rudda daymu d-dahri ‘an saahatil-ladhee ** Yuzakhrifu amdaahan wa yashduu wa yasja‘u
253. And whenever evil continues to be repelled from the domain of the one who composes and sings beautiful eulogy (of the prophet SAW)[13].

وآلٍ وأصحابٍ مدى قول شيِّـــــــــقٍ ** أبرقٌ بدا نحو المرابعِ يلمــــــــــعُ
254. Wa aalin wa as-haabin madaa qawli shayyiqin ** Abarqun badaa nah'wa l maraabi‘i yalma‘u
254. May the blessing include his household and his companion as long as an ardent lover says: O you brilliant light of streaking lightning shinning forth in the direction of the Maraabi ‘.

[1] Pl. of Marba‘u. Meaning places where people resided during spring.
[2] When seen from a distance. Aliy bn Abi Talib (RA) said: “Whoever unexpectedly saw him, would stand in awe of him. And whoever accompanied him and got to know him would love him. And those who described him would always say “I have never seen anyone before him or after him, who was like him”.
[3] Lowering his head as if descending from a height.
[4] Whitish skin with a reddish tinge.
[5] Also extended like bows.
[6] Upraised in the middle with an accurate tip.
[7] Not long nor round.
[8] Dense with hair well levelled - not scattered here and there.
[9] Neither is he boringly tall nor is he repulsively short but tends towards tallness in an appropriate manner.
[10] Neither curly nor straight.
[11] With strides like someone descending from a height not too slow and not too fast.
[12] His status and spiritual state (Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallama) is greater than that of someone who can be frightened by anybody.
[13] The author of this poetic piece- Shaykh Ibrahim Nyass (d.1975)

Published in:
Dawaaween As-sitt (Six Anthologies), Ikseerus-sa‘aadat fee mad-hi sayyidis-saadaat (The Elixir of Good Fortune on Extolling the Leader of Leaders) – Harful ‘ayn, by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse

Translated with comments by: Abdulwahab Olukade (Kishky)



  1. Very accurate translation, very good, well done s*Sayyadi!

  2. May Allah SWT raise you in rank for your wonderful work bisiri Rasullahi

  3. Muneerdeen 0915171728514 August 2022 at 21:36


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