Tuesday, 5 May 2015

CHEIKH ABDULAHI NIASS RTA- The Father of Cheikh Ibrahim Niass:- Presented by Seyyid Aliyy Cisse Shittu (IOTB UI)

Bismillahi r Rahmani r Rahimi Lhamdulillahi Rabil Aalamin.. Allahuma sali alaa seyyidina Muhammad wa alaa Aalihi wa ashabihi wasalim..

  After starting in the name of Allah and appreciating Him.. I beseech His blessing on the noblest of mankind, Seyyidina Muhammad.. This should be extended to His house hold and the companions..

This is a brief biography of Shaykh Alh Abdullah father of Shaykh Ibrahim Nyass..

Name and Lineage.. Abdullah Nyass b. Muhammad  b. Madamba b. Bakri  b. Muh Al- Amin b. Samba b. Radaa...

Accoding to the biography by ZACKARY . Wright, he was born in 1845. In his youthful age, he learnt Quran with a special gift of me morizing it at first sight.. In order not to loose any part of other knowledge, him stay always close to his Father.. Such gift is also seen in his son Shk. Ibrahim Nyass who said the greatest Karamat given to him by Allah is the knowledge of the Qur'an. This testify to the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad that ''verily Allah will raise some Groups of the Book ( Qur'an)''

Following the tradition of the Prophet that  '' search for knowledge even as far as china'', He traveled to the neighbouring countries of he flourishes with his entusiasm and became an eridite scholar well respected in the spread of knowledge.

 He performed the holy pilgrimage to Mecca in the 1309 hijra year and on his way back he passed through the renowned azhar university in egypt. He continously devote his time to revive the tradition of the prophet and fight against any innovation in his home town, Tabai, and in senegal at large.. This led to the colonial masters making life difficult for him.. Hence they insisted that he  restricted his preaching and surrender his children for western education..

He objected this and had to migrate to Gambia to continue the service of Allah.. He remained in Gambia with his family for ten year where he improve lives of thousand of people befor returning to senagal. Just like like the Prophet who left macca on his people's hatred and returned on fatihu macca with great honour, Alh Abdullah was requested back to senagal by the colonial master in recognition of his contribution to knowledge which then accepted with the following conditions:   that he would be allowed to preach and teach Qur'an . And that he would be Allowed to raise a mosque.
  These conditions were accepted after he raised the first mosque and continues the teaching Islam.. Amongst which his children were included..
Such passion for Quran was seen him and his children as it can be seen in a reported event that transpired between Him and his son Shaykh Ibrahim...

When shaykh Ibrahim decided to be learning french alongside the arabic.. His father frawn at this of which shk Ibrahim heeded to.. On an ocassion when a leter was writtento his father in french, he instructed Ibrahim to continue with the frecnch class but Ibrahim Polotely said he would love to stick to the first order..

This deduces a lesson from the word of the prophet that ''whoever is blessed with the Quranic knowledge and saw that someone has been give something else better than his, such person has declined from the most high honour of Allah..''

To round up, We have only looked at the an aspect of his life which is basically on knowledge.  This is to encourage all of as student that we can only move the world with our knowledge..

Please check up for the rest in the following refrences..

1. Spirit of good morals by shaykh ibrahim niasse.. Page 1-3
2. Mirror to the world that knowlegde is the master by shaykh Ibrahim Niass.. Page 35

Wa salaam alaykum warahmatullah..

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