Tuesday, 5 May 2015


I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed coward, Shaytaan. All praise, exaltation, adoration and sincere appreciation go to Almighty Allah, the Creator of all creatures and creations. May His undiluted and unalloyed peace and blessings be upon His greatest manifestation and reflection, our Beloved Master and Guide, Maolana Rasuul(SAW) and His households and companions. May the unadulterated pleasure of Allah be upon the Seal of Sainthood and Concealed Pole, Sidina Ahmad bn Muhammad At-Tijany(RTA). By extension, may this pleasure also be upon our Grand Succour, the Renowned Scholar and Reformer, Shaykh Ibrahim Abdullahi Inyas(RTA) and all our masters who have travelled on this glorious Path.

To all my beloved masters and mistresses in the House, I say Salaam alaekum warahmotullahi wabarakaatuhu.

It is with a heart filled with joy, happiness and gratitude to Allah that I welcome you all to the maiden edition of The Celebration of the birth of our Grand Succour, the Revivalist of the Sunnah, Maolana Sheikh Alhaji Ibrahim bn Sheikh Abdullahi Inyas Al-Khaolakhy At-Tijani by the members of the Muhammadan Family (whatsapp group). 

For d purpose of introduction, the Muhammadan Family is a group of the lovers of the Allah, His Holy Prophet (SAW) and the Saints. Also, everyone present here are protégés of Maolana Sheikh Ahmad Tijani (RTA). The whatsapp group was purposely created for the online Celebration of last Maolid Nabiyy - an event which was enlightening, soul purifying and self annihilating. 
As we know/would love to know, the reason why we gather on this platform today is to celebrate, rejoice and felicitate with ourselves and also to show gratitude to Almighty Allah(SWT) for this rare blessing that He has bestowed on us, because we being a student of Shaykh Ibrahim is not by our doing but by the benevolence of Allah on us. Let's say Alhamdulillahi.

It is imperative on us as students of Sheikh Ibrahim Inyas that we should celebrate him , for without him, it is possible that none or say most of us here today wouldn't have known the reality of The Muhammadan Way. It is by his spiritual flood that that the real Islam is being practised. As evident in one of his eulogies, Manasik Ahlul Widad, Harf Hamza, Verse 30 where he said: wabiii yarfahu jaoru-l-azeemu wa inahu, bifaedi yanalu Deen rafha liwaahi " Injustice could only be pacified and it is by my spiritual flood that the real/pristine religion(Islam) can be practised and also d flying/raise of d banner of Islam.

It is no news to everyone here that Sheikh Ibrahim Inyas(RTA) is a gargantuan phenomenon who can not be totally/wholly/fully described just by mere writings or speeches because anything we say or write about him is just our ignorance of him. No one knows the real essence of Sheikh Ibrahim Inyas (RTA) save Sidina Ahmad Tijani(RTA), Maolana Rasuul(SAW) and his Lord(SWT).

Insha'a Allah, this online Celebration of the Maolid of Sheikh Ibrahim Inyas(RTA) will be a 3 day event. The event shall feature series of soul lifting activities like d chanting of Dhikr, the recitation of the Dawaawin of Sheikh Ibrahim and also eulogies of Sheikh. We will also have scholastic presentations from some of our erudite scholars in the House. Sheikh Ibrahim Inyas(RTA) as an entity will also be examined - his biography, family, lifestyle, works, influence etc. Most importantly, we are also privileged to have in our midst, our beloved master, a sage, an epitome of physico-psycho-socio-spiritual rehabilitation, a model to most youths on this path, Sidina Ibrahim Dimson, may Almighty Allah continue to preserve him.
On a final note, I will like to implore everyone of us to adhere strictly by the rules and regulations of the group. We should also show utmost discipline in the way we interact with ourselves on d group. This is to enable us get d best out of this event. Please sit back, relax and enjoy the celebration to its brim.

I pray to Almighty Allah (SWT) never to deny us the blessings in the celebration of the birth of his beloved servant. May He continue to increase our knowledge, wisdom, understanding, piety and steadfastness on the Tijaniyyah Path. May He make us live and die as a student of Shaykh Ibrahim Inyas (RTA) and may He continue to give us Himself bijahi Maolana Rasuul (SAW).  

Aameen thumo aameeen

Wa salam alaekum warahmotullahi wabarakaatuhu

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