Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Seyyida Aisha Inyass (Ashtou Jianka) - The mother of Cheikh Ibrahim Niass. Presented by Seyyid Muh'd Hafeez Abd'Raheem (IOTB LAUTECH)

Bismillahi r Rahmani r Rahimi L hamdulillahi Rabil Aalamin.. Allahuma sali alaa seyyidina Muhammad wa alaa Aalihi wa ashabihi wasalim..
  After starting in the name of Allah and appreciating Him.. I beseech His blessing on the noblest of mankind, Seyyidina Muhammad.. This should be extended to His house hold and the companions and to our Sheikh Ahmad Tijanni RTA. And also to the bringer of the flood Sheikh li Islam RTA..
  Here with you is your humble servant AbdurRaheem MuhammadHafeez IOTB LAUTECH.  I say to you all As Salam alaykum warahmotullah wabarakatuhu BELOVED.

She is Seyyida AISHA JANKA and in Senegal known as Seyyida ASHTOU JANKA R. T. A.

This is a topic that I'm highly incapacitated to discuss. But for the purpose of learning I've tried to get the little I can and I trust my Beloved here present are there to correct and contribute more on it
Please let's do Salatul Fathi 11 for our mother,  She is the youngest wife of Sheikh Abdullah Niasse RTA.

The history of Baye Niasse (Baye, the title of ‘Father’ given to him early in life by the
Senegalese) began before his birth. His
venerable mother had a dream one night in which she saw the moon come down from the sky and disappear into her body. She spoke about it to her husband Al Hajj Abdullahi Niasse, the father of the future Shaykh, who in turn advised her to keep the secret. Some months after that, on the
17 th of October 1900, BAYE was given birth to.
  Knowledge is knowing. She's one of the most knowledgeable of her generation as she actually KNEW his SON before his birth...
  During, BAYE's early ages, his venerable mother was worried about his mission and he told her not to be worried and asked if she could recall an event during his pregnancy when she was resting under a shade and a man came to meet her and prayed for her. Baye RTA said I was that man. She dedicated all her life to her husband in servitude and with an inestimable LOVE that's never been heard nor seen in history, she served him a lot..
  One day he, SHAYKH ABDULLAH NIASSE was in ONE of his wife's room when he came out to tell her TO fetch water for him to bath..that was after isha. after she fetched the water she stood at the bathroom from that time until FAJR, waiting for HIM to come and have his bath. So he come out to enter the bathroom to prepare for fajr when he saw MAMA ASHTOU and asked her what she's doing by this time, and she answered by saying I'm guiding your water and
waiting for you to come and have your bath,  he said " did you do this all
because of me?" Then you will be bless with the most BLESSED CHILD...
  She had miscarriages six times and during the seventh pregnancy, SHEIKH ABDULLAH NIASSE asked her not to tell anyone about it.  And thus the most BLESSED CHILD was given birth and he's the BEST of the LOVERS of the BELOVED, the Revivalist of the SUNNA.
  In conclusion, she is LOVE and BEAUTY. And a model to ALL.
  Often times, we forget to honor and mention the blessed mother of our beloved Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse. But for those of us who know Baye Niasse, we know that whoever Allah chose to give birth to him is a special type of individual. This is a person that carried in her womb, the greatest lover of Rasululah. This is a person that cared for and nurtured the owner of the flood of Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad Tijani. The Flood of the experiential knowledge of Allah. This is the woman that had the first sympathy and worry in her heart for Sahibul Fayda. This is the woman who breast-fed the one who breast-feeds the entire creation. This is the mother of our Father Baye Niass. This is our mother , Sayda Ashtou Jianka. May Allah allow us all to love her as her son loved her. And may we all rise on the day of judgment in her loving embrace... The embrace that she gave to Sahibul Fayda when he was in his swaddling blanket!

#Shaykh Masoud Abdulrahman Niasse
#Sidi Ibraheem DIMSON
#Muhammad Yaasin AbdurRaheem
#Sidi AbdurRahman Ahmad kishky


  1. This is so amazing. Shukran.

  2. Jazakhallahu khaira

  3. Alhamdulillahi nagode Allah qara son shehu ibrahim inyass
