Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The perfection of the Khilafa at the hands of Shaykh Ibrahim... Presented by:- Cheikh Ibrahim dimson @ Online Baye Maolud celebration of MUHAMMADAN FAMILY GROUP ON WHATSAPP...

Praise be to Allah, the First, the Last, the Manifest, the hidden. And Peace and Blessings upon His beloved servant (SAW). The one who's reality was expressed to us all by his greatest lover... Shaykh al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim Niass.

It is a great honor to have been invited to address you all on this day. This day that our Master Barhama Niasse was physically brought into this world.
When our dear brother Giwa Ibrahim invited me to speak at this Mawlid, I was humbled and reluctant. I am not worthy or qualified to speak about Shaykh Ibrahim. As most of you may know, I am a sinner who's only desire in life at this moment is to be a servant to the Jammatul Fayda community, anywhere they may be. Please accept my humble efforts today and forgive me for any mistakes.

The only one that can tell you about Shaykh Ibrahim and his Maqaam (Station) is Allah. Everyone else can only describe one or two attributes of Baye. We give him titles such as Gawthul Samnadani, Gawthul Rabani, Qutbul Farida and Sahibul Fayda. All of these are indeed correct titles of Baye Niass, but they only 'hint'at his reality. These titles are only for the human minds aid at comprehending a bit of his true Maqaam. One cannot be 'told' about Baye Niass. A person can only 'experience' Baye Niass. It is this experiencing that will cause you to fully appreciate and understand why so many of us have given our lives to him... Why he is the  only one left for us... Why our existence is worthless without him... Why our hearts quicken at the mention of his name... Why we have lost all love for anyone besides Baye... Why our knowledge of Allah and his Prophet and His hidden pole of Muhammadan sainthood depends on our knowledge of and from Baye Niass.

With that said, I'm encouraging you all to exert all possible efforts to connect yourself to the ones that can help you to know Baye Niass.

But be mindful that this path of ours... This Tijânî Tariqa... This Fayda-Ibrahimmiyya has the most difficult tests and obstacles on it. Once you embark on this journey, you must understand that you have embarked on a path and journey that has different examinations. These examinations are put to you by your 3 enemies ... (Shaytan, Nafs & Duniya). They attack the Muslims individually, they join in teams to attack the Tijani from time to time and they combine their efforts and fight the followers of Shaykh Ibrahim all day and every day.
They attack the followers of Baye first by trying to divide us. We will see each others actions as displeasing to ourselves, we will believe that our Muqaddam and personal Shaykhs are better than others, we will slander and backbite eachother. All of this will cause hurt feelings and anger and eventually lead to separation.

 Next, they attack the followers of Baye, through a type of veil that makes a person believe that their own Shaykh is the only way to Allah, and therefore the only one worthy of being followed. They have not realized that the Khilafa of Baye Niass are many and that Baye is like the trunk of a huge tree, and the branches (Khilafa) of that tree are many. These type of people believe that the Tree (Baye Niass) only has one branch, and this is a huge mistake.
Finally, the enemies attack the followers of Baye in a way that is most dangerous... They lead some to disrespect the holy Sharia. With this type of veil, you will see people that call themselves Tijani and Faydawi, committing fornication, selling drugs, defrauding and cheating people, lying and cursing people, not praying the 5 salat, not paying the zakat, not fasting etc etc. these people will tell you that they have "finished in Allah" so no need to follow the Sharia. Walahi, these people have destroyed their Deen and can never be true followers of Baye.

These are the tests and afflictions that we all must protect ourselves from.
My message to you, as told to me by my Shaykh, Imam Hassan Cisse, is to 'Love eachother, be forgiving of eachother, be united with eachother, never separate, be humble, strive to do Khidima for all of our Shuyukh and for our communities and finally, be a living example and representative of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).'

There was a time when I was one of the worst of sinners. I committed all types of Haram. My life was Haram. But even then, Allah did not give up on me. HE allowed me to return to him in repentance. As long as you put forth an effort to change, Allah will put forth an effort to love and change you. My advice to you is to heed the words of Shaykh al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim Niass, to "Be for Allah, and Allah will be for you)

Congratulations to all of the organizers of this event. Especially to my beloved brother Giwa Ibrahim. May Allah make you all the truest and best Murids of Baye Niass. Congratulations also to all of the presenters. You are our teachers and we ask Allah to guide us through you, always. Finally, congratulations to all who have participated in this Mawlid. May Allah unite us all on the day of judgment in the company of Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim Niass.... On that day, the Murids of Baye will be the group that will be sitting at the feet of Muhammad (SAW), Al-Qutbul Maktum Shaykh Ahmad Tijani and the Khadimul Hadara- Shaykh Ibrahim Niass!

Thank You for your time. Please excuse this poor effort of mine. If there are any questions, please feel free to ask Insha'Allah.

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